You can now stream the new Kingsley Flood EP, ‘The Good Fight,’ in full at Stereogum. The EP is officially available on November 20th. Says Stereogum…”Kingsley Flood frontman and bandleader Naseem Khuri writes songs about feeling like an outsider who is looking in. The band’s new EP The Good Fight revolves around themes of society and change in a large culture, an exploration about the social injustice he’d felt growing up (“Old Town”). Set to classic alternative-era roots rock a la Cracker, the songs are acute, razor-sharp tales that delve into the pathways of Khuri’s introspection and psyche. It’s guitar-driven, sing-along music, soaked with raw emotion: ‘My, my, if nothing has changed you/ Then nothing’ll change you, yeah.'”
Here’s Khuri on the making of the EP:
We recorded these songs in a converted masonic temple in the heart of Chelsea, MA. It’s of a different time — there’s a dark and cavernous live room, symbols on the walls, even some hidden hallways.
I wrote the title track both lamenting this wave of gentrification happening in Washington, DC — and wondering if I’m part of the problem — so it was cool to record in a place that time seems to have forgotten. And cool that we probably got some ghosts on there too.
Listen to The Good Fight in full below, ahead of its release this week.